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​Our Mission

Our aim is to provide a safe space for the young people of Dartmouth, and its surrounding villages, to hang out with friends, learn new skills and have fun! We run regular sessions and are always thinking of new ideas...

Get involved

If you're aged between 11-18 then come along to one of our sessions!

If you're an adult and would like to volunteer, then please get in contact.


We are a charity, run by volunteers and so we rely on donations and grants. If you'd like to support us, then please donate and remember to Gift Aid if you are eligible!

​What we do

Weekly Youth Nights, Monthly Roller Discos, Paddleboarding, Kayaking, Swimming Lessons, Theatre and Cinema trips...


All of our events are FREE!

Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, donations from the community and the valuable time of our volunteers.


Every Tuesday we run a Youth Night at Ivy Lane. Once a month we host a Roller Disco at Dartmouth Leisure Centre.  And we regularly organise other fun activities. 

Roller Disco with Whiz Kids

Our monthly Roller Disco nights are always popular, with thanks to Whiz Kidz and Dartmouth Leisure Centre. So every 2nd Friday of the month, put on your dancing clothes and join us from 7pm for am evening of music, roller skating and fun! 


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© 2024 by Dartmouth Youth Group

Registered Charity Number 1198652

Website created by Tatty Pettigrew

Find us: Ivy Lane (behind the Seale Arms on Victoria Rd)

Email us:

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